Fashion, Video Games

Max Payne chic at Zara

I found this ensemble displayed in Zara at IFC, Hong Kong and immediately realized something.... where have I see this outfit before? Oh yeah, that's right... Zara: Fast Fashion x slow motion shoot outs Max Payne, rogue cop out for justice.  For those that don't know who Max Payne is, he's the lead character of… Continue reading Max Payne chic at Zara

Fashion, Hong Kong

The Most British Outfit in Hong Kong

I found it... in Marks and Spencer on Queens Road Central, on a men's section mannequin... behold, the most British outfit in Hong Kong. I'm tempted to buy this ensemble and go as Pip from "Great Expectations" to the next "dress like a literary character costume party". Don't believe me that this is the most… Continue reading The Most British Outfit in Hong Kong


Eegad!  Monocles actually became a thing again?

I'll be honest, since a young age, I was always attracted to the idea of wearing a monocle. But it was more as a part of those fun filled and imaginative "pretend you're a Baron or Duke" schoolyard games from childhood. Ah the memories.